How to Convert Low-Quality Images to High-Resolution using Adobe Photoshop

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Hello Everyone and Welcome to this easy guide on how to convert low-quality images to high-resolution using Photoshop! If you’re here, you’re probably looking for ways to improve the resolution of your images and make them clearer, sharper, and more vibrant. You’re in the right place! In this blog, we’ll walk you through step-by-step instructions, tips, and techniques to help you enhance your images without losing their quality. Whether you’re a photographer, designer, or just someone who loves editing pictures, this tutorial is designed for you.

Understanding Low and High-Resolution Images

Before we dive into the techniques, it’s important to understand the concept of image resolution. Image resolution refers to the amount of detail an image holds, which is measured in pixels. A low-resolution image has fewer pixels and may appear blurry, pixelated, or unclear when zoomed in. On the other hand, a high-resolution image has more pixels, resulting in a clearer, sharper image that can be used for printing, websites, or large screens.

In this guide, we’ll focus on how to Convert Low-Quality Images to High-Resolution using Photoshop, and how you can enlarge images without losing their original quality.

Why Do You Need High-Resolution Images?

High-resolution images are essential for a few reasons:

  • For Printing: Low-quality images will print out blurry or pixelated, especially if you try to blow them up. High-resolution images, however, will look sharp and professional when printed.
  • For Online Use: High-quality images can make your blog, website, or social media posts look far more polished and engaging.
  • For Editing: If you’re editing or enhancing images, having a high-resolution file gives you more flexibility and control, helping you keep the details intact.

So whether you’re preparing images for personal use, business, or creative projects, it’s always a good idea to aim for high resolution.

What You Need

  • Adobe Photoshop (latest version for the best results)
  • Low-quality image (to work on)
  • Basic Photoshop knowledge (but don’t worry, we’ll keep it simple!)

Steps to Convert Low-Quality Images to High-Resolution using Photoshop

Now, let’s dive into the fun part! Here’s how you can use Photoshop to take any low-quality image and convert it into a high-resolution masterpiece.

Step 1: Open Your Image in Photoshop

  1. Go to the File option and then click on Open.
  2. Select the image you want to work on and open it.
Open the image

Step 2: Make a duplicate layer

Hold Ctrl + J to make a duplicate layer. This allows us to work non-destructively on your image

Make a duplicate layer

Step 3: Select liner light.

Go to the Layer panel, then choose Blending Mode and click on Linear Light.

Select liner light

Step 4: Convert to smart object

  1. Go to the menu bar and select Layer.
  2. Now select Smart Object, and click on Convert to Smart Object.
  3. You can also use the shortcut: Right-click on the layer and select Convert to Smart Object.
Convert to smart object

Step 5: Select High pass

Go to Filter > Other > High Pass. Adjust the pixels to around 3.0 and press OK. This sharpens the details of the image.

Select High pass

Step 6: Invert the Layer.

  1. Go to the Image menu, select Adjustments, then click on Invert.
  2. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut Ctrl + I to invert.

Step 7: Select Brush Tool

  1. Go to the menu bar and select Window then select Brush Settings.
  2. You can also select the Brush Tool from the toolbar (Brush size: 1000,0, white).
  3. Make sure the mask layer is selected, then brush over the areas you want to sharpen.
  4. Shortcut: Press (B) to activate the brush tool.
Select Brush Tool

Step 8: Delete layer mask

  1. Duplicate the top layer.
  2. Right click on the mask layer..
  3. Select Delete Layer Mask to remove the mask.

Step 9: Add mask layer

  1. Go to the menu bar, select Imag.
  2. Click on Adjustments then click Invert
  3. Use the shortcut Ctrl + I.

Step 10: Select the Brush Tool

  1. Go to the toolbar and select the Brush Tool.
  2. Brush size: 100,0, white. Use the brush tool over the eyes and eyebrows to enhance the details.
  3. Shortcut: Press (B) for the brush tool.

Step 11: Make Group

  1. Select the top layer, hold the CTRL key, and select the second layer.
  2. Right-click on the mouse and choose Make Group.
  3. Shortcut: Select both layers and press (G).

Step 12: Open Group Folder

Click the Group Folder icon and click the arrow to open the folder.

Step 13: Adjust the strength

  1. Double-click on the High Pass layer to readjust the settings if needed.
  2. You can also adjust the strength of the effect with the Opacity slider for a finer touch.

Step 14: Save the file

  1. Go to the menu bar 
  2. Select Save
  3. Shortcut: Ctrl + S to save your work.

Tips for Better Image Quality in Photoshop

  • Start with the Best Possible Image: The better your original image, the easier it will be to improve. Low-quality images may never be perfect, but starting with a solid base helps!
  • Don’t Overdo the Sharpening: It’s easy to get carried away with sharpening, but too much can make your image look unnatural. Start slowly and adjust gradually.
  • Zoom In Regularly: Don’t just trust the full-size view. Zoom in to check for any imperfections or noise that may be hiding.

Use Filters in Moderation: Filters can work wonders, but too many can make your image look artificial. Apply them carefully.

A summary video of all the steps in action will reinforce learning and improve engagement.


Common Mistakes to Avoid When Improving Image Quality

  • Upscaling Too Much: Don’t try to make a tiny image huge. It’s tempting, but it can cause your image to lose even more quality.
  • Forgetting to Save Your Work: After spending so much time improving an image, don’t forget to save it in a high-quality format, like PNG or TIFF.

Over-Compression: After editing, be careful not to compress your image too much, as it can reduce the quality. Always aim for a balance between file size and image quality.

Can You Convert Low-Quality Images to High-Resolution with Other Tools?

While Photoshop is my go-to tool (and the one I trust with my clients at Qondle Technology), there are other software options that can help too:

  • GIMP: A free alternative to Photoshop, great for resizing and improving resolution.

Online Tools: Websites like Let’s Enhance can help boost resolution, but I personally prefer the control and flexibility Photoshop gives.


And there you have it! Converting low-quality images to high-resolution using Photoshop is easy when you follow these steps. With Photoshop’s powerful tools, you can increase image resolution in Photoshop, enhance image quality, and upsample images without losing quality. Whether you’re editing for web, print, or personal use, these techniques will ensure your images look crisp, sharp, and detailed.

By following these techniques—starting with resolution adjustments, resampling, and using powerful features like Camera Raw Filter and Sharpening—you can transform any image into a high-quality version that’s perfect for whatever you need.

And remember, if you ever need help with complex image editing or need professional quality results, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Qondle Technology. We’ve helped many clients turn their low-quality images into high-resolution masterpieces! Connect with us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube for more tips, updates, and expert insights!